Advancing the Care of Sports Injuries and Knee conditions using the most modern surgical and nonsurgical treatments.
Dr. Gilmer’s focus is on arthroscopic and open surgery of the knee. He is an expert in knee preservation and treatments for knee tendons ligaments and bones.
He works with academic institutions, industry, and peers to generate cutting edge research, develop new techniques, and to teach students and surgeons to advance the field of knee surgery.
Knee arthroscopy, also referred to as keyhole or minimally invasive surgery, is a procedure in which a small fiberoptic instrument called an arthroscope is inserted into your knee joint to evaluate and treat damaged tissues and correct abnormalities.
Diagnostic Needle Arthroscopy and Partial Medial Meniscectomy Using Small Bore Needle Arthroscopy
As resolution and image quality improve, several potential advantages make needle arthroscopy...Arthroscopically Assisted Fixation of Terrible Triad Variant Injuries of the Elbow With Small-Bore Needle Arthroscopy
The range of diagnostic and therapeutic applications of needle arthroscopy (NA) continue to...An Arthroscopic Technique for Release of the Middle Glenohumeral Ligament and the Effect on External Rotation of the Shoulder
The middle glenohumeral ligament (MGHL) is well recognized as a primary stabilizer of the shoulder.Dr. Gilmer currently utilizes the MAKO Robotic Total Knee System at Renown South Meadows. This technology requires a CT scan which is ordered at the clinic visit when the decision is made for surgery. This allows for accurate planning to achieve the best fit of the implants for your anatomy. The robotic total knee arthroplasty system allows for very accurate cuts to be made to the bones and can assist in balancing the ligaments and soft tissue and may provide a more minimally invasive approach.